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Posts posted by dang

  1. When cars had only 100HP, they had smaller and lighter wheels. Cars got bigger, with more power and bigger wheels came along. It takes more power to spin those heavier wheels. More brake too.

    Using big heavy wheels will rub your 2002 from power, braking, and will over ride your suspension. 15" is as big as you should go with a 2002.

    These wheels are going on an M20 2002. Power won't be a problem.


  2. looks good dan. does your son take an interest in the build?? my sons are totally different. one loves to get greasy and work and the other likes to just drive

    He's taking more of an interest lately since his buddies have been talking about fixing cars. I guess I should say he's not naturally motivated to get greasy, but he does fine when he gets into it.

  3. Looks great. I would make a gusset where your front brace is welded.


    Even though it doesn't feel like it needs it that's probably a good idea. The nose of the car is rock solid now. Much stronger than with the original sheet metal.


  4. A small group of us 02 bozo's are meeting at Peet's Coffee on the corner of 19th and R st at 7:00am. We should be heading out around 7:30 if anyone else wants to join us. This should be fairly central to most of us. If anyone wants to pick up the caravan on the way to PA let us know and we can meet you somewhere. I think we'll probably go Interstate 80 to 680, then cut across in the south bay.


  5. I went to that event. If its the one I'm thinking of it was put on in conjunction with a VW Thing gathering at the marina. I think Rob T. helped the guy here in Sac organize it, or coached him, and I suspect the reason it didn't continue was due to the amount of time and energy put into it. It wasn't much of a show, maybe 15 2002's, and some people got bored and left after an hour or two. Events like that usually take years to catch on.

    Now that the BayArea02 show is so big, I don't think a Sac show would work..


  6. ...business don't get involved with discussion boards because they don't care what the disgruntled have to say and wouldn't change anything anyway...they all, including al, work on the law of large numbers theory....there are enough unknowing or new souls to keep them floating and they don't rely on or neccessarily give a rat's ass about repeat customers...

    I'm all for hijacking this thread and talking about small business. Anyone else interested? 8-)

    Esty, you are correct in your assessment except for the "they all" comment. I wouldn't be so quick to group eveyone together. Some do operate on the theory that there's plenty of one-time customers to go around, but others recognize that there's a lot of useless banter on forums and its a waste of precious time. Some people nit-pick about every little issue and blow it out of proportion, others have very good constructive criticism, but as a business owner you rarely have the time to deal with it.

    Running a small business will consume you. Every part of your life whether you like it or not. I personally think that Al is doing the best he can right now, and I expect things to get better on the customer relations side.


  7. Here's an opinion from someone who has never met Al nor done business with him. Based on what I've heard here (and only here) he reminds me a lot of a guy I do business with. This guy local to me here in the Sacramento area is an absolute artist when it comes to doing sheet metal work on cars, but he operates in his own world. Nothing motivates him to get a job done any sooner than his personal time table. The thing is, everybody knows that, so they bring business to him and just wait for him to do it. Bad business? Guess that depends on who you ask. He could care less if you bring business to him or not, so its not bad business in his opinion. If you're a person who wants his expertise and rare abilities but want to be treated like customers are "suppose" to be treated, you'll never be satisfied.

    This is basically what Esty is saying when she refers to it not being Al's fault because customers continue to go to him. You have to remember, the "PISS POOR BUSINESS" comment is just Esty's opinion, period. If I told my friend that he had piss poor business sense he'd just laugh at me and tell me to take my business elsewhere. That's fair in my book.

    My bottom line.... take a look around and see how many businesses get involved with discussion forums. There's a reason why most stay away from "the talk".


  8. which are the correct fasteners for Turbo flares?sre they chrome, stainless, black....

    any pics and where to buy them, they are NLA from the dealership and ireland doesnt sell them.

    I think the correct ones are stainless or chrome screws with inserts pressed into the fender. I'll either go that route or use flat head rivets like you see on race cars. Since my turbo bodywork is going on a car that's obviously not a true 2002 turbo, I'm not worried about being "correct", just done well.


  9. At any rate if you'd ever like to see what Sean Casey did for me, let me know. I'd be more than happy to let you take a look.

    Can't wait to see the final product!

    Even, thanks for the message. I'd love to check out your ride. Maybe we can plan to meet somewhere halfway for breakfast or lunch some weekend. Vacaville or Fairfield, or if that doesn't work for you we can drive to your place. My son is getting more and more excited as we make progress, so he's pushing the project now! 8-)

    Send me an email...


  10. Tunnel clearance was a definite issue. I'm sure a car that came as an automatic from the factory would be much easier to deal with. Here's some picks of what I had to do to get the tranny to clear. The picture show the motor mounted in place, which leaves maybe an 1/8" of an inch clearance to the bulkhead. I've decided to cut the entire upper portion of the bulkhead out, similar to other M20 conversions.

    I also found the intake manifold on the 323i motor to be cracked. Another reason to use the 325i motor I have. We'll see...




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