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Posts posted by MN2002

  1. are determined by the legislature or the Commerce Dept which regulates insurance companies here. I seriously doubt an insurance company even when lobbying for this would be successful. Body shops both and dealers and independents would go out of business. Consumers would get hosed.

    Frankly, if this rumor is true, it does not surprise me as it is yet another business attempt to run rough shod over the rights of individuals. At some point you need to step up and say "no mas." This extends to efforts to block access to the courts, to extending immunity from liability for crappy drugs, and for firearms etc....

    Sorry if I am on my soap box, but at some point we need to kick the j@@@*sses in the rear you give hand outs to corporations and keep turning the screws on individuals.

    OK, back to regularly scheduled 02 programming.

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