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Swap & Show 2016 at Brisbane Marina


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Event details

BayArea 02 Swap & Show, 7 May 2016, Brisbane, California Marina. Preregister on Motorsportreg starting 16 February 2016 [Register for Swap & Show-16].  Preregistration is $25 while the on-site fee on 7 May will be $30.  Graphic artist Kile Brekke (you may have met him at some of our events) is designing our T-shirt and printed materials this year-- he is very skilled!  Please preregister early so we can more easily tally the necessary shirt sizes.    We plan to have a named bag for each preregistrant so the closing date is earlier than some years past to let us get the bags in order.



Note— Swap & Show visitors are welcome!  If you do not show your car or swap parts, there is no entry charge.  But we encourage anyone with a BMW of our vintage to bring your car to display, no matter how beautiful your restoration or how mundane the dirt and rust on your daily driver (some photographers we know can make the rust and dirt very photogenic!).  Swap & Show does not judge your car so there will be no points for extra dirt, missing dirt, matching luggage or brilliant shine.  Photographs and videos are welcome!


Brisbane Marina, Northeast end of Sierra Point Parkway

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