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Posts posted by EuroOhTwo

  1. I've got a complete set of original 13x6 MiniLites from England with 185 Toyo tires (tyres) on them. Took them off and went to original steelies. The wheels alone are about $250 each nowadays I think, but if I could get a grand for the set with tires and BMW caps I'd be happy. I can take better pix if you are interested. I'm just north of you in Vancouver, BC.




    Screen Shot 2017-01-28 at 10.08.54 PM.png

  2. 23 hours ago, seattle2002tii said:

    Can you tell me what clear coat you applied over?  I assume want to match the sheen of the dash so clear coat isn't noticable.  Thanks


    ... I haven't got that far yet !!! ....  I may leave it as is. That area of the dash doesn't get any 'wear' so to speak and I have a spare decal in case it does come off.(ordered two in case I screwed the first up... and almost did). My experience with this type of transfer is, if they are burnished well into the surface with the transfer paper they come with they will stand up to a fair amount of abuse... something that will never happen while this car is under my care. I would also be concerned with any 'coating' because it would have to overlap the image in order to protect it and if the sheen was not EXACT it would look UGLY to have a glossy outline around the image. As I write this, I am talking myself out of doing anything more.... :-) .... If the area is clean to start with, once these letters are burnished well, with not much pressure to start, then hold your thumb over and press hard without moving for 30 seconds, it will force the image into the pores of the vinyl quite nicely. The transfer paper should always be between your fingers and the lettering when doing this. Also if doing in cold/cool weather warm up the dash and transfers first with a hair drier on low, it will make it easier to work with and make the ink of the transfer adhere better.

    Good luck,


  3. The 5 spd transfers were an exact match to the existing 4 spd one that was original. Just had to 'erase' slightly the existing with Bug&Tar remover on a Qtip and VERY CAREFULLY apply the transfer over the same location. Decades of using Letraset products helped :-)  Thanks Mo.




    Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 6.37.25 PM.png

  4. Good one...

    Not to be-labor this point too much.... but back when I had my first '02, the 1969 Euro version, I did the British equivalent of Advanced Driving training and you would definitely not have passed at any level with a dangling arm. The thing I got bad-marked for was not depressing the button on the handbrake lever as I pulled it on. That is a no-no. Wears the rachet and if you pull too hard, you have to pull even harder to release, stretching and wearing the cable. No Car Sympathy marks for that.... But I still passed OK with a warning not to do it again....and I haven't !!...  lol



  5. hi Harry...

    I have installed your door brakes recently and am pleased that they function as stated and remove one of the annoying little things of these great old cars that tend to get ignored if more pressing problems need fixing.

    I didn't use the rubber (seals) because I couldn't see how they worked or improved anything. I used the plastic covers, as they would help protect the mechanism from the fine road dust that gets flung up through the door weep holes. Perhaps in your instructions you could point out how the seals work ?

    ....cheers, George

  6. Having driven a '69 from new back in the day the thing that amazed me was the Bavarian designers figured out a way to stop the North American habit of driving with your arm out the window.  Cool perhaps ... But not the Bavarian way, so the window DOES NOT go all the way down. Same on my '73.




  7. 3 hours ago, Eiremon said:

    They appear to be a shop with a volume based business model

    .....That's my impression after having them quote on a roundie build when I was looking for the BEST roundie I could find, anywhere, last year !

    I eventually found a better one and paid less than this asking price. They ARE out there, but you must have patience, and be willing to travel.


  8. I have the exact same carb/setup on my '73 stock '02. No problems with rubbing on the hood. As you can see from attached pic, there is a small rubbing on the hood liner when I inadvertently didn't push the air cleaner housing down fully on the rubber adapter. But no actual contact/denting of hood when installed correctly.


    Screen Shot 2016-10-20 at 5.31.26 PM.png 

  9. FWIW, I purchased a '73 stock '02, for this same price early this year in Toronto. Tread VERY carefully !! I am always suspicious when so called $50k resto's are done and the u/s images are blurry so you cannot see the detail. The u/s of this car does not match the topsides and $$$ spent. My '73 is spotless u/s as well as topside.


    Make sure the VIN on the registration papers matches the VIN on the body, otherwise you will have one h_ _ _ of a hassle at the border. Ask me how I know :( Not with my BMW but another car.


    If it checks out, this is a special car and probably a better daily driver than the Tii. Good Luck !!

  10. johnlorio...

    I appreciate your concerns, but before we use social media to tarnish someone's reputation let's keep in perspective that we are not ordering parts for a brain surgery that is underway. These wonderful little cars of ours are a labour of love and shouldn't be hurried. The world will continue to rotate on its axis if your/my parts are a week late. Mine were. I survived. The car survived.


    I would cut RogersTii slack because he is probably busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.


    He also has access to the best selection of parts anywhere, from what I can see, so good luck finding things elsewhere.


    Enough....jeez, I should be getting a commission on my next purchase after this :) 



  11. OOPS.... I'll take myself out of the running for the grills. Just going over my '73 roundie today and realized a PO 'blacked out' the original grills to look like the newer models. Fooled me for a while, I actually like the look, but if I want original I'll just dip these and strip the paint as they are in very good condition.


    ......ac123099 you move up :)



  12. As someone who has just recently scoured N.America for the best stock '02 I could find, let me wade in here and say that after looking at every '02 on the market I narrowed my search after a few weeks to cars OVER 15k asking because it became apparent to me in that short time that the tooth fairy did not exist and to get a truly solid body car you had to get closer to 20k, for stock. Tii's... MORE !!


    I eventually found one and am happy that the higher price got me a way better car that I can enjoy driving for years to come and not work on to it to keep it going. Having driven an '02 off the showroom floor new in 1969 puts me at an age where I now prefer to be inside the car driving it, rather than under it fixing something

  13. Wow, when I upgraded my original shocks to Bilsteins years ago, those spacers disappeared years ago. In fact, in all the 02's I've had over the years, the spacers all seem to magically disappear. Also sealed beam headlights, POS original radio's, bus drivers steering wheels, etc.. seem to disappear on my 02's as well. 



    hi Gordon, I'd be interested in any original radio that you have sitting around collecting dust.... My newer CD changer version will probably not qualify me for (cheaper) collector plates, so out it goes. If I want to crank da tunes I've got newer (quiet) cars and a home stereo that beats anything you can put in a 43 year old car !!  Parted out a 14" Moto-Lita steering wheel for an original era 16" big bus wood wheel too.... there are some fossils like me still left in this world !!






  14. Webasto rings a bell, but, as it was done in 1973  I could not swear to that. Back in the day things were not emblazoned with logo's like they are today so that is nothing to go by. It was well built with a white liner and very tough vinyl top. Never leaked, but I only had the car 3 more yrs after installing.


    Euro quad headlights on yours look good too  :)




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