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Posts posted by heist

  1. ClayW- I just had my welding positioner electronics next to my steering box rebuild. Nothing that special I promise. Just a regular rebuild.

    Fresh- Thank you! 

    Colin- I believe it has enough difference to not be considered a reproduction. After I started the design I found his thread and tried to find him selling them, but couldn't. Seems like he made a few and just stopped. To my understanding another member on the forum is selling ones similar to his also. It's hard to create much of difference in the design since it's just a replication of the OEM pedal made of aluminum with a bearing. If he objected to it I would have no problem talking to him and working it out. I'm not trying to step on any toes, just trying to make some stuff for 02 owners to enjoy that they can't get. 

  2. I just did my first segment of DIY's that I will be posting on my website. The first one is really just a general overview, but answers questions I get asked quite often. I plan to knock out some in-depth write ups for the 02's and other little things people ask me about a lot.




    Hope you enjoy it! As I'm sure you can tell I'm not a writer, but I'm just trying to give back to the community that has helped me out over the years.

  3. I greatly appreciate the workmanship, and love it when people like yourself take the time to make our 02s even better. I think the sight tube idea is great solution for people -like my self- that want to take a quick look at the fluid level. And the question that lays itself is will you be adjusting the price as more orders flow in?

    I figured with a sensor it kind of takes away the need for the sight tube need for the average person. If you already popped the hood to check things, unscrewing the cap in a second and giving it a quick look is pretty easy. Sight tubes tend to take away from the sleek look of an aluminum reservoir, but like anything else... if people really want it I have no problem doing specific options for individual orders ;)


    The pricing could be better if I had a group buy of say 10 people, but setting that up with this community seemed very difficult. 


    Thanks for the kind words though, appreciate it. Hopefully I can build some more stuff for the 02's.

  4. Thank you! In regards to the sensor, I'm pretty amped on how it all came together. Good to see someone woke up happy ;)


    Personally, I didn't like the weld on fittings that were offered. The side fitting (clutch) needed a recessed end to really get a solid fit in the curve. The fittings I purchased (far from cheap), were able to recess beyond the weld point into the cylinder for a nice tight fit. 

  5. I commend your work, however...and take this as constructive criticism...I don't like what it looks like.  To me it needs to be prettier looking in order for it to go in my engine bay.  I know the pics are of the 'raw' version, but I just can't vision the finished product looking good. I hope the wavy, uneven welds and nipples from the corner hardware store get deleted from the final product. 

    Yeah I totally understand that. I wanted to offer the "raw" version for those who didn't want to spend a little more to have it cleaned up and polished. I'm offering the polished version along with the raw already. If someone wants the top and bottom welds knocked flat they can just note it.


    corner hardware store nipples? I don't mind constructive criticism but ummm what. bad morning?

  6. Made the adjustments (lowered clutch fitting, added dual reservoirs split, added new mounting plate)


    This is how they will look in the "raw" form.






    Due to my car having a completely different brake setup now, I no longer have the oem mounting bracket to test fitment. Is anyone in the Huntington Beach, CA that would be willing to let me do a quick test fit? Thanks in advance!


    Once I get a test fit and make any changes needed the pre order will be posted.

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