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Posts posted by 1972fritz

  1. i disagree. with everything starting to fail like medicare annd social security. someone needed to get there hands dirty yea gettting out of the hole is hard and it costs money but if it works out in the end why not try to make something better. and if your gona jump on me about the "death board" on this whole national health thing look at every one in europe do they have these "boards" lets all just be more like the germans.

  2. i think every one moves the battery its easier for routing the intake. for weight distribution i dont think it is a bad idea any was to ship it to the rear there is a write up on using e30 parts i believe . also you could just heat or just slowly bend the dipstick out of the way as long as you dont change the over all length of the tube it should be fine 318 and 320s used a 2 piece dipstick to move it out of the way and used a hose to couple them together. email me with some of your set up guestings i would like to create a write up or section just for mega squirting.

  3. selling the intake carb and other assorted bits and pieces. what i know carb is 2bbl solex unknown condition (was given the "ran when we stored it" deal by PO) and peanut style intake and all egr hoses and tubes and manifold. i dont have emissions and im going mega squirt this is no good to me make reasonable offer and its yours.

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