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Posts posted by Devian

  1. A 73 2002 was my first car and I lived in San Mateo (for those that don't know it's about a 30 minute drive so. of San Francisco). It's a tough city to learn to drive in but you get used to it. My only concern is the body of the car. People in SF (where I live now) don't know how to F'ing park. It's not a friendly place for cars. As for Tii vs regular 02, how much work are you really willing to put into it. These cars will nickel and dime you to death if you don't take care of them. I know this from experience.

    In the end though, they're incredible cars to have; especially as a first car. If you get it you won't be disappointed. Just be prepared to take care of it. They're also very safe so I wouldn't be that concerned with airbags. As for ABS, if you learn to drive properly that won't be a big issue. Empty parking lots in the rain can be good places to experiment with stuff like that.

  2. My speedo used to do that. Eventually it just stopped working full stop. If its a similar problem the only answer is to replace it.

    On a side note, when my speedo crapped out I could park the car and turn off the ignition and it would read 30mph. This got me out of a lot of speeding tickets!

  3. This knob was designed in 1969 in Bavaria by Shiftineffen Gearschlammereffen. He was a local nutcase with money and a habit of driving his 2002 through Mercedes Benz showroom floors at high speed terrorizing anyone within sight of the inferior automobiles. He disappeared, along with his factory, in 1976 when 2002 production ceased. There have been rumors of him terrorizing Rover Dealerships in the UK with similar tactics within recent years...

    Hope this helps

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