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Posts posted by Dave_PA

  1. Weber 38/38 with electric choke in great shape with low hours of use and very clean. Comes w/a rebuild kit.


    Shipping from Pittsburgh, PA

    Local pick up available in Pittsburgh, PA or when I visit the outlaws in Lancaster, PA


  2. John,

    New castle is only about an hour away taking 376/76 south. We haven't firmed up a start time only that if we start from here, it is easier to do a light breakfast and head out on a southern route together to falling water.

    Do you think you'd bring the e30 or the 912?

    Either way it would be great to see you.


  3. Dave! Congrats on the new Hoovler! We are keeping it close to pgh so that we can either stay the night or make our way home. Since we don't know how many people can make it, we are trying to keep it flexible.

    Harv you thinking about coming down? That would be awesome if you guys could make it. It's been way too long.


  4. When thinking of Western PA, some people think of some of the best sports teams, Three Rivers converging together, or some of the last inclines left in the world. What we sometimes forget is that Western PA has a large inventory historically significant bridges as well as one of the most beautiful structures that Frank Lloyd Wright ever built, Fallingwater.

    This year Ryan and I are planning the first annual Western PA 02 Bridge Run on a Saturday in August. We have a planned route to see some of the most beautiful places in western PA, in an 02. Ryan who is a Structural Engineer who enjoys a good bridge now and then has picked out a few that we will go over and check out along the journey.

    The idea right now is that we are going to go on a southern PA route, stopping at a few bridges, followed by lunch in the OhioPyle area and a tour of Falling water. After Fallingwater the plan is to enjoy another one or two more bridges before ending up somewhere around Somerset where we are looking for a local B&B to have dinner and stay the night. We can then have breakfast in the AM together and head on our own ways.

    We are still working out the route but as of now this is what we were thinking. We wanted to get an idea of interest to see more about lunch & a place for the night.

    So charge up your short wave walkie talkies, and get ready for a day of fun driving in your 02 enjoying the beautiful scenery, good people and awesome cars.

  5. The movie was about the Cocaine business in Florida in the 70's and 80's and how it effected Miami, built the skylines, etc. Good movie.

    About ~30 minutes into it, they start talking about people shipping and sure enough they have a quick scene where someone is pulled over in a square light 02 for drugs...Too funny...


  6. Bill,

    The guys at Grassroots motorsports do some good testing on tires for auto x every spring/summer. They pull Andy Hollis out to help them put it together. It's pretty amazing what the come up with.

    I used that information when i bought Dunlop Star Spec Direzzia's for the ti. I haven't auto x'd w/them on yet, but man that compound i swear is made from Gorilla glue. When the Falkin's are done, I'd give them a try.

    Glad to see the boys are enjoying the cars too.

    Take care,


  7. Aaron,

    That is just too cool. How is it when it's wet? how well do shop tools roll on it?

    I'd really like to go that route. For me it's been either money for cars or money for garage floor...

    I use to have an epoxy garage at my old house. that stuff wore like iron (the only chip was from an engine block that dropped...OOPS!!!) Prep was key. Muratic Acid, while a PIA, is what you really need to prep it.

    Thanks for sharing!


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