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    11/21/2020 04:00 PM

    Neue Klasse and Kaffee is a monthly gathering of BMW Neue Klasse and other Vintage Cars cars in San Francisco Area. Los Gatos events are on the third Saturday of every month.
    We will gather downtown Los Gatos in Parking Lot 3 behind Loma Coffee Bar. We will stay in Los Gatos for 90 minutes prior to embarking on a drive through some fun roads of San Benito and Monterey Counties.
    BMW 2002 FAQ will be there from 8am to 9:30am. Coffee will be available at Loma Coffee Bar.
    Drive will start at 9:30AM and will go through San Juan Bautista (10:30AM), King City (12:30PM), and final destination at Laguna Seca (2:30PM). You do not have to be with us the entire time. There will be plenty of opportunities to leave the drive and resume your day.
    Under current circumstances we would ask you to be respectful to others: 
    Properly worn asks are required at all times you are not in your car. Please, stay 6 feet away from people There will not be a group lunch, so please plan accordingly.  

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