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Resurection ....update



Well it has been over a month since my last entry. Needless to say this process is a long tedious one but enjoyable none the less. I have learned a lot and spent far too much time researching the many questions that I needed answered, but it has been well worth the time. I have little doubt I am repeating myself here but again, I would like to express my many thanks to FAQ for the endless resources that are provided here. This site is truly a god send. I would be lost without it!

I have now accumaulated most of the suspension and driveline parts that I was looking for, thanks to the donor. So Toby take heart in knowing that your lil' racer "lives" on in at least four other projects besides mine.

Waiting for the wrecker......VIN 1666365 RIP


..... off to the media blaster for some of the New Old Stuff.


Most of these came out without a hitch......thank god I had a load leveler. Next time the engine goes in thru the bottom. I am a believer now, after struggling with the engine for awhile. The rest of the frames were very easy even by myself, all came out in a day. Had the whole car stripped in a couple more... a real good experience and a important refresher for putting my car back together....soon I hope.

Finally it is time to dismantle the front and rear frames from the project car, get her on a dolley and get the parts sold. I am quickly running out of room to store them all and the weather in the PNW is turning nasty. The next few months will no doubt be challenging... but I am looking forward to long road ahead and start to see this car come together.........Be back soon with some more of the "afters"

Thanks for taking the time....later

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