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Fantastic day at the Legends of the Autobahn 2018

Fantastic day at the Legends of the Autobahn 2018

This was a fantastic day.  I was not able to make it to the show last year and missed the whole weekend. This year I could only do Friday Show and we tried to make the best of it.


After heaving a crazy week, I was able to find a little time to get the car ready the night before. A nice wash and vacuum, oil check (none needed) and a carb tune and unlike most other shows, i did not not to do anything else. As I received several emails to remind me to not get there before 8am I Left Redwood City at 6:15 am and was entering the Golf Course at 8.  To my surprise there was very little traffic and i was one of the last 2002s to enter field. the FAQ had a great representation. I did not count the cars, but there were more FAQ members with their cars then any other model.  


Unlike the days that at the booth, this time I got to hang out with some old friends, met some new one and got reintroduced to some I have met before. (sorry, i am horrible with names). We missed the Spaten tent from previous years. Not sure what they were thinking. 


The highlight of the day was the look on @norm and @RacingAli faces as we sang Happy Birthday to them while they were getting their respective trophies at the podium.


Here are some photos that I took.


Here is the full album:


some highlights 














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Edited by steve k.

steve k.


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