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Orlando Deleon Springs Sugar Mill breakfast drive

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Event details

Who - Florida 02s and invited Euro Vintage Auto Club members.

What - Deleon Springs Spanish Sugar Mill Drive and breakfast

Where - Meet at Starbucks on 434 and I-4

  • 1195 Springs Center South Blvd
  • Altamonte Springs, FL 327141942

When - Jan 25, Saturday, 8am and roll out promptly at 815 a.m.

The DRIVE is about 50 miles one way. It will most likely take an hour fifteen. Various road and speed conditions. It will be a nice scenic discovery route. Expect some twisties and some roads that are two lanes. The route will take us along the west side of Deland.

The BREAKFAST is by reservation only and is limited to 30 people for our group. For those that have not been you are in for a fun time. You prepare your own pancakes at the table. The restaurant is a historical mill dating back to along time ago http://www.planetdel...rmill/index.htm

The WEATHER should be great. In the event of rain, there will be a rain date.

RSVP is required for this one. If you are interested please let me know ASAP. I will be inviting other European car groups to join in.

Parking We may group parking as the restaurant owner is also a BMW 700 owner. My goal is to have approx 15 cars. I want to count you in.

Fees Because it is located in a state park it will cost $6.00 per car.

PLEASE RSVP at THIS link: http://www.bmw2002faq.com/topic/148279-orlando-jan-25-deleon-springs-sugar-mill-breakfast-drive/

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