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Posts posted by len_752002

  1. What I received

    -Three complete sets of CF Panels. One pair is sitting in my basement; I sold one pair to a FAQ member who missed the boat on the project; I presented the third pair as a birthday present to a friend and fellow '02 enthusiast.

    regardless what was done on your part that is part of being in business period well the fact that you had to stand up and SHOUT that you received no compensation only drew the questions it did so again in another persons misguided thought process nothing was gained well man $6K worth of product is more than nothing like so many loudmouths here all that a person is interested in is the attention it draws to them well you got your attention little danny so take this as constructive criticism and a difference of opinion because you LIED plain and simple and whomever buys into your game only lowers themselves to the same level just like head trauma little stevie boy oh ya and by giving one set away you have only shown you know how to buy friends

  2. len, i wish you had some punctuation to offer the world

    what is offered to this world is a difference of popular opinion based on a clear view of the users of this world punctuation is only another way for attention to be drawn away from that opinion are you going to send more emails with name calling and derogitory remarks

  3. The Attention Seeking Child

    This child constantly does things to get your attention and it can become quite annoying. They will blurt out and tell you what they did or that they're finished etc. Their desire for attention is almost insatiable. Much of what they do is done to get attention. It doesn't seem to matter that you provide lots of attention - they continually seek more.


    The Attention Seeking child is in need of more attention than most. They seem to have something to prove and don't take as much pride intrinsically as they do extrinsically. This child may not have a sense of belonging. Try and understand the need - this child may have a low self-esteem and may need some confidence building. Sometimes the attention seeker is simply just immature.


    another example of someone who seeks constant attention

  4. another example of the pack mentality look at who is posting replies here including this one the difference though is that being in agreement with the original poster this opinion is not the popular one well girls and boys if being popular is the most a person has to offer society then they have not a clue what it takes to be a good person to treat others with respect to not whine about someone elses opinion and to find another hobby

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