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Posts posted by ClemensKnieper

  1. Alright, the engine is back in the car and here is a video of it running.





    It's very noisy now, much more then before. is there knocking in there? Is it misfiring? What is the problem here?... not sure if it's still leaking oil into the coolant, I haven't gotten on the road yet.


    First I need to sort this noisy engine out.


  2. The engine is back together and mounted to the subframe. I a confused about how to remount the transmission to the engine.. haynes speaks about centralizing the driven plate with a tool that I do not have.. I didn't take apart the clutch so do I still need to do this? Can someone brief me on how I put transmission and engine back together? Thank you all so much for the help... 

  3. I will make sure I get all the oil out of the head bolt holes before I reassemble,,,


    But before I do so, I would like to investigate the coolant flow path through the engine. Does anybody have a flow chart for the m10 engine? I took out each piston and they checked out fine.. minimal wear on them and I could not find any crack in their paths... 

  4. He had not worked on this particular engine, no... But he used to work on bmws back in the day, and he pointed out one particular engine that seemed to be pretty much exactly like the m10 but had 6 cylinders... Forgot what car it came out of.

    He pressure tested the crap out of my head, I don't think it's cracked. I did pull the drain, not sure why there is still some coolant in there.

    I am certainly kind of clueless about what to do next here in my search for the problem... I wonder if some one could try and lay out a path for me?

  5. Hello again,

    finally had some time to remove the cylinder head... here are some pictures for you (please let me know if you need close ups of anything).

    Some questions and notes:

    I got confused and unbolted the 10 master cylinder bolts one at a time with no diagonal order as the haynes manual described, I hope I didnt mess anything up because of that...

    In what shape and form should I be bringing my cylinder head to the machinist?

    here the pictures:




  6. Hey guys,

    I purchased a sweet little sahara painted 1969 BMW 2002 in Santa Barbara, CA bout 1 year ago. The guy that sold it to me had the car just gotten back from the shop, where they did an engine swap (put in a used m10 2.0). I was a little dumb at the time and blindly purchased the car without knowing anything about it..

    Long story short, the "new" engine isn't working so great and there is some gross gooey oily light brown mixture to be found in the radiator. Also, the engine oil seems to have a little water in it too.

    I drove the car halfway across the country until it overheated right at mt. rushmore. From there I had it be towed to a hobby mechanic in Massachusetts, about an hour from where I live... he looked at the car and immediately thought head gasket time. He removed the head gasket, replaced it with a new one.. no change. We checked over everything else it could maybe be, but came to the conclusion that one needs to take out the engine and look inside it... check the block and head from ground up.

    I have put way too much money in the ride to be able to afford a $5000 and up shop repair, so I am doing it myself. So far I got the engine out via dropping the subframe... all went well. Now the engine is on a stand ready to be dismantled. I have the good old old haynes manual on my side, and you guys.. I think I can do it.

    Now here are some questions for y'all..

    - Do you think I am crazy to try to do this by myself? I sure am an amateur at this, but patience, cleanliness and organization skills I do have. I think that is half of the job..

    - Instead of completely taking apart the engine, are there any tips you 'd have (maybe links) to how I should go about solving my particular problem, which is hopefully to find something to be wrong with the block?

    I guess any comments in general would be appreciated, as I am jsut about to start on takign apart the m10. I can still NOT do it myself and give it to someone who will do it for my cash..

    Well, thats my food for thought for you guys hope to get some comments.

    PS: I love these cars, and I really want to learn how to upkeep it myself.. removing the engine was a complete joy to me, and the learning I have done through it is exactly what I am looking for.. I just don't know if the engine overhaul is too insane for a person of my skill level.



  7. Hey everyone,

    I am the new guy. I tried searching the forum, and my haynes manual... but I am confused as to where the Clutch Slave cylinder is to be found. Can someone point me to the little guy? I am guessing I need to look from underneath?


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