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    10/26/2017      10/29/2017

    Sharing information on Terry's Fall 02berfest that was sent out on an email from Terry.  I've had the pleasure of participating in several of Terry's 02berfests and have had a great time at each.  From the 02s, the folks, the drives, the food and the history of the Fredericksburg area it all just makes for a great weekend.  

    As usual, Terry Sayther Automotive will be sponsoring the 2017 Fall Texas 02berfest in October. This year we are adding a day of CULTURE to the event. We will be heading out to Fredericksburg on Thursday Oct 26, and Friday we will spend the day learning about Lyndon Johnson. We will visit various Johnson family locations. And naturally, we will be blasting down country roads between locations and eating well!  Saturday we will return to our original longer format rally drives with several hours of Hill Country roads. Hope you'll all be able to make it.
    The Peach Tree Inn located in Fredericksburg will be the base of operation and Terry had block of rooms being held.  Be sure to mention you're with the BMW 2002 group.  The number for the Peach Tree Inn is 1-800-843-4666  http://www.thepeachtreeinn.com/ 
    I've added a few random pics from previous 02berfest events.  Feel free to ask any questions you might have. 

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