Welcome to BMW 2002 FAQ
BMW 2002 FAQ has been the go-to resource for all your BMW 2002 and Neue Klasse car needs for over 20 years. Founded in 2002, this site quickly became the primary resource for vintage BMW owners. Today, it boasts over one million forum posts, 300 blogs, and 200 articles covering everything from news and events to technical instructions. The site has a gallery with over 6,000 images, a wheel database, a growing video collection, and 17 location-specific clubs. With a full calendar of BMW 2002 and Neue Klass events and an ever-increasing registry, the BMW 2002 FAQ is the place for any BMW enthusiast.
Although a small group of individuals runs the FAQ, its members provide most of the content. Members are the greatest asset of the BMW 2002 FAQ, and their contributions make it what it is today. Whether you're a seasoned BMW 2002 owner or just starting, BMW 2002 FAQ has everything you need to keep your vintage BMW in top shape. With its wealth of resources and active community, BMW 2002 FAQ is the ultimate destination for anyone looking for information on BMW 2002 and Neue Klasse cars.
Access this wealth of knowledge, connect with other passionate BMW 2002 owners, and gain the opportunity to learn more about your car! Don't wait.
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Upcoming Events
Redwood Escape Rally. NK&K, Drive, Lunch!
09/21/2024, 03:00 PM
This month, to celebrate the end of Summer, in addition to the usual Coffee talk, we will take a three-hour drive through the mountains, see the ocean, see more mountains, and end up at a Brewery for some lunch and a bit more conversation. 8:00 AM We will gather at our usual spot, downtown Los Gatos, in Parking Lot 3 behind Loma Coffee Bar. 8:45 AM We will hold a driver's meeting where you will get a sticker, suggested route, and the final destination for Lunch 9:00 AM We wIreland Engineering Open House
10/05/2024, 05:00 PM 08:00 PM
Come join us for a cool car show, tour the facility, free food and drinks!!!Los Gatos Neue Klasse and Kaffee
10/19/2024, 03:00 PM 06:00 PM
Neue Klasse and Kaffee is a monthly gathering of BMW Neue Klasse andother Vintage Cars in the GreaterSan Francisco Bay Area. Los Gatosevents are on the third Saturday of every month. All fun cars and people are welcome! We will gatherdowntown Los Gatos in Parking Lot3 behind Loma Coffee Bar. We believe the Coffee Bar will be open. If it is not, 2002FAQ will provide coffee and Doughnuts. 2002 FAQ will be on-site from 8am to 11:00am http://neueklasseundkaffee.com https://www.facebook.c -
Latest Discussions
Wing Window Tear Down
Does anyone have any advice on how the best way to rebuild these and get them back together tightly? I look at the rivets and wonder how well they go back with new rivets. The window stops have brass rivets it looks like. Those look like the ones on my Targa I replaced and I was able to use my press to get the new ones in. When I look around for the parts I can find the BMW brand wing window seals, but I can't seem to find the window stops. Another question is on the finish. I see that som
Firewall floor pan
Hi, Currently working on replacing the front floor pan and pedal box area. While searching for the panel I came across this one from Jaymic. That includes just the front floor with firewall part. Is there another company here in the USA that also sells something similar? So far I have only seen full floor pan that had the firewall section. (02 Models) Front Floor Panel with lower firewall section LH WWW.JAYMIC.COM 1502, 1602, 2002, 2
Technical Articles
Repair Instructions for Kugelfischer PLO Injection Pump
This document is based on a translation of the Schaefer Einspritztechnic GmbH repair instructions - it is shared for general interest. Please resist the urge to dismantle/repair your pump unless you are prepared to dynamically recalibrate the pump using specialist equipment - Warning: dismantling the pump will destroy the calibration!!! Disassembly Screw the pump onto the clamping plate (1)(PRW - 92 920 001) so that the pump (2) is inclined about 30° ar
Quarter window seals lubricant
So after a lot of reading how to tackle the new seals for the quarter glass seals, it is clear some lubricant is needed. So today was the big day, new seals are going in. I read about Dawn, water, silicone and other recommendations for lube. Unfortunately all of those have some downsides. Dawn will be leaching out for months or years. Silicone, great stuff, just not for seals, let alone the permanent contamination, let’s hope you will never be doing any paint work. What I found is industrial KY
The First 2002 Lives On - Resurgence of M10 with VIN 1660001
When the BMW board in August 1967 approved a hot-rod version of the 1600 by installing a 2-liter M10 engine into the 114 models, that decision planted the seed for BMW’s success in North America. After all, BMW was just another foreign car maker without any significant impact on sales in the US car market. We all know what came next. The concept of a 2-liter M10 was not new in 1967; the BMW factory racing team in Germany had already raced the Neu Klasse (type 121) with a competitive 2-lite
Latest From The Hack Mechanic
Freeing Stuck Rear Brake Adjusters
One of my least favorite jobs on a 2002 is adjusting the rear brake shoes in order to lessen the brake pedal travel. In principle, it's easy—you just pull off the rear wheels, take a 17mm open-end wrench, put it on each of the two adjusting nuts on the backing plate behind each brake drum, rotate the drum, turn the adjuster until you can hear and feel the shoe rubbing against the drum, back the adjuster off a tiny bit, do the other adjuster, then move to the other side and do the same on the oth
Front Strut Replacement The Hack Mechanic Way
Front Strut Replacement Overview Okay. It's time to replace your front struts. Maybe you're doing it as part of a shocks-and-struts job. Maybe you're updating the entire suspension—shocks and struts, springs, and sway bars. Maybe you're doing a full front end refresh including ball joints, tie rods, center track link, and idler bushings. Maybe you're doing an undercarriage refresh and are sandblasting and repainting the subframe and strut housings at the same time. W
Chillin' Louie: To Coldly Blow (Part IX: Firing it up, buttoning it up)
Okay, with the compressor and bracket, condenser and fan, evaporator assembly, receiver-drier, hoses, and wiring installed, it was time to fire it up, then button it up. Similarly, with the project itself complete, it's time to button up this series of articles. As such, this is a long piece that touches on a number of topics. Leak detection There's a whole chapter in my a/c book devoted to leak detection, and specifically to the use of nitrogen or other dry inert gas to
Latest Blogs
The Recaros arrived sooner than expected but so pleased to have been able to get them despite Recaro's financial situation. It'll be a while before we can play with placement coz ... radiator+oil cooler ... exact engine positioning ... possible firewall mods ... pedal box ...
Turning a corner! The path to paint
9/10 Headed to the body shop! Fender was worse than we thought. So much for my efforts to roll the fender. I'll just have to do it again. Nick did a great job! I had a BMW factory fender repair panel and a rear quarter patch panel from Blunttech New driver's side floorpan from W&N Nick welded in the template pieces I designed & had Sendcutsend make and the captured nut for the brake tee that I fabbed
Progress at both ends
The rear end (mostly WRX) is almost fully fabricated and fitted, just exploring whether we can use some std trailing arms or need to custom make some. We're also looking at shock options (possibly MCA ProSports from Australia) and then we'll need to make space for them up into the boot, possibly right up to the parcel tray. Up front the engine and gearbox have been approximately placed to check room (adequate) and we can start thinking about steering rack, a/c, intercooler, radiator, and al
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