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Message to members from BCBimmers.com Re: Al Larson, Al Canu


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Al Larson or Al Canuck or Seamsperfect or better known as "Ripoff Extraordinaire"

Seems he has a few problems over at my website


If a few of you could join and relate your experiences to our members it would be much appreciated.

Mark Douglas



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where is Esty? but seriously, search Seams Perfect and see for yourself.

it seems not to be perfect!

73 Tii A4 BOD Oct. 13,1972

74 Tii BOD Nov. 16,1973

FAQ Member 1683

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.

Mario Andretti

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I bought recovered seats and a couple shift boots from him. Both deals went well. Apparently I am in the minority here. He had a shot at having a really good business with faqqers but couldn't hold it together. Sorry to hear that things have not changed.

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My search methods suck but here are about 482 topics on him.

I joined FAQ when his temper started flaring and he was at war with Esty. Ironic that she took his place as the carpet queen. Big difference though as she has not ripped anyone off or have not one negative post about her carpets. He disappeared but I read up on him as I once thought about carpet.

Your site seems to be divided and he may have been trying to make amends over there but obviously it was only a matter of time before he was exposed.

You mention banning him. Would probably be a good idea to keep him as the more people flame him the more he posts and some people may need some of the info posted to track or help the law track him down. If not to find his shop and pound the shit out of him or put a bullet though his head...

Depending on how crazy they are and how bad he ripped them off.

Good luck with AL.

If you find Alonso across the border send him our way. A few are looking for him here.


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Mark, just ban him and be done with it, letting it drag on will not help your community. Al will pop up somewhere else and start all over, it's what he does and you can't do anything about it.

Save the grief, time and energy and click the ban button one time and be done with it.

Charlie Mac in Sacramento.

My Blog

I'm an كافر

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Mark, just ban him and be done with it, letting it drag on will not help your community. Al will pop up somewhere else and start all over, it's what he does and you can't do anything about it.

Save the grief, time and energy and click the ban button one time and be done with it.

Ya its looking like thats what needs to be done.

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Al Larson or Al Canuck or Seamsperfect or better known as "Ripoff Extraordinaire"

Seems he has a few problems over at my website


If a few of you could join and relate your experiences to our members it would be much appreciated.

Mark Douglas



cant reply, where is the "introductions" forum?

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Might want to watch that thread Esty. I haven't seen a post by you but I seen a Esty on the bottom with the members logged in & the visitor count.

Hopefully some ass is not taking your name.

Seems they are boasting about breaking number watching records.

Yeah, All of America is watching it. Al must of screwed a lot of folks out there.

Glad I joined FAQ while you were making us aware of it. I don't know him and never got burned Thanks to you and the FAQ.

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from the perspective of my experience (and being charitable), Al's biggest problem (at least from a business standpoint) was over-comitment and under (or non-) delivery on those commitments.

Personally, I never got got completely stiffed on the few small projects he did for me, but it took endless calls and e-mails to get anything produced and delivered, and at that, the projects took weeks (at least) longer to complete than there was any rational reason for; in addition some of the work was incomplete or NOT done to the level promised.

My sense at the time was that Al's "modus operandi" was to move whoever complained the loudest and longest to the head of the production queue, and to completely ignore those didn't pester him, regardless of whether their orders had been partially (or completely) paid for or not.

Whether the above was deliberately dishonesty or just lousy business practices I was never completely sure.

Barry Allen
'69 Sunroof - sold
'82 E21 (daily driver), '82 633CSi (wife's driver) - both sold
66 Chevy Nova wagon (yard & parts hauler)

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The few times I did meet Al, he seemed to be a nice enough guy. The carpet and upholstery work of his I had seen was very well done.

I never had any business dealings with him. If I had, it may have changed my opinion of him personally. Several FAQers did have business dealings with Al, and many had very poor experiences. This is unfortunate, because I don't think I remember hearing anyone that recieved products had any complaint about the quality.

Steve J

72 tii / 83 320is / 88 M3 / 08 MCS R55 / 12 MC R56

& too many bikes

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The few times I did meet Al, he seemed to be a nice enough guy. The carpet and upholstery work of his I had seen was very well done.

I never had any business dealings with him. If I had, it may have changed my opinion of him personally. Several FAQers did have business dealings with Al, and many had very poor experiences. This is unfortunate, because I don't think I remember hearing anyone that received products had any complaint about the quality.

I second this.... nearly word for word. He came down to a couple of the Bay Area 02 Swap & Shows. His carpets that I've seen were top notch. Though with the right material I'm sure Esty could match it. :P

Tom Jones

BMW wrench for 30 years, BMWCCA since 1984 at age 9
66 BMW16oo stored, 67 1600-2 lifelong project, 2 more 67-8 1600s, 86 528e 5sp 586k, 91 318i
Mom&Dad's, 65 1800TiSA, 70 2800, 72 2002Tii 2760007 orig owners, 15 Z4 N20

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from the perspective of my experience (and being charitable), Al's biggest problem (at least from a business standpoint) was over-comitment and under (or non-) delivery on those commitments.

Personally, I never got got completely stiffed on the few small projects he did for me, but it took endless calls and e-mails to get anything produced and delivered, and at that, the projects took weeks (at least) longer to complete than there was any rational reason for; in addition some of the work was incomplete or NOT done to the level promised.

My sense at the time was that Al's "modus operandi" was to move whoever complained the loudest and longest to the head of the production queue, and to completely ignore those didn't pester him, regardless of whether their orders had been partially (or completely) paid for or not.

Whether the above was deliberately dishonesty or just lousy business practices I was never completely sure.

Not a good "business model" if you ask me.

This symptom indicates impending failure that is typical of small businesses struggling with "cash flow." Ya gotta pay the rent, by materials/supplies and somewhere in the there you need to buy groceries and keep Mama happy.

It doesn't mean that the small business owner isn't a good craftsman or well-intentioned...merely a poor manager of his financial resources and time. Some people are so willing to take on new work -- they forget about how much work they've already promised.

Inevitably, the loudest complainers are somehow placated while others and their money are "sacrificed" to this "death spiral." Ask Bernie Madoff about who gets "theirs" and who doesn't.

I've met Al and he can be quite charming. Emails have been informed and cordial. But, I should add, I've never done any business with him.


1973 2002tii - gone

Inka (aka "Orange Julius")


1974 2002tii - gone

Polaris (aka "Mae West")


1991 318is (aka) "O'Hara")

Brillantrot - High Visibility Daily Driver

BMW CCA #1974 (one of the 308)


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