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Im not sure if this it OT or not but here is goes:

what do y'all think of a coast to coast relay with our 02's? Someone could start at the pacific and drive 100-200 miles or so and meet up with/pass the baton if you will to another 02er that will make the second leg of the journey and so on and so fourth until we reach the atlantic. If someone wants to drive the whole way or if more than one person wants to do a section that is ok to, just think convoy! If we get enough intrest this might be cool. We could pass on a disposable camera to take pictures of the cars and drivers, baton passes, and anything else intresting on the way.

what do you think out there in 02 land?

69 2002 1668997 "Geboren ein Hölle"

Shhhhhh... Another Whispering Bomb!!


Along the lines of Geocaching (www.geocaching.com),

We need a 2002FAQ travel bug.

The travel bug is something that gets passed from one person to the next, with pictures being snapped and posted of their travels.

I picked up a travel bug in Reno and took it along on the California Melee, then dropped it in SLO at the 02 fest.

Perhaps we can get a "2002FAQ Roaming Gnome"?

We would have to have a vote for the best name. My choice would be "Otto".

The rule should be that you can only have it once, and should pass it along as far away as possible. Preferably by actual road miles in an 02, but if it were mailed to Australia or PR to attend an event, that would be OK.


Steve J

72 tii / 83 320is / 88 M3 / 08 MCS R55 / 12 MC R56

& too many bikes


so how about planning this thing. Is there a place online, say a mapping place where everyone that is intrested can put a marker on the map indicating where they live. That way it makes the course a little easier to plan. If we could zig-zag across the US and hit all 48 continental states that would be really cool. Pics of the 2002 with the "roaming gnome" at each state border sign would be neat. Plus we need a start picture at one beach and an end picture at the other beach. We could get all the pictures from the trip put together on a poster or something to show off our feat!

If everyone intrested could e-mail me the city that you live in, I can start putting this relay together

depending on how long it takes to plan the trip; what is a good time of year to schedule this thing?

69 2002 1668997 "Geboren ein Hölle"

Shhhhhh... Another Whispering Bomb!!


I found the mapping site.

try this link: http://www.frappr.com/2002coasttocoastrally

In the right upper corner clink "add place" enter the information and then "bam" a marker appears on the map where you live. This might make picking to route a bit easier to be able to include everyone that wants to enter.

If anyone else has other ideas for this relay this is a work in progress and new input is always helpful.

69 2002 1668997 "Geboren ein Hölle"

Shhhhhh... Another Whispering Bomb!!


i'll strap an outboard on my 74's big bumper, and meet someone halfway to Cali.

Bring a Welder

1974 2002, 1965 Datsun L320 truck, 1981 Yamaha XS400, 1983 Yamaha RX50, 1992 Miata Miata drivetrain waiting on a Locost frame, 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser


Whoa, 400+ views and 5 people put markers on the map…not too promising for a relay. Me thinks that we are going to have to make this a little more free-form.

Here are my suggestions:

1. See if we can get the FAQ Mod to open up “2002 Traveling Gnome” board. If not, just start a “2002 Traveling Gnome” thread under General Discussion board.

2. Post our gnome pics and stories on FAQ, so we can follow the progress of the gnome real time. The FAQ board/thread can also house the participant list and allow schedule changes, signups, cancellations, etc.

3. If distances are too great for physical relays, people can simply mail the gnome to the next participant once their 2002 gnome adventure is complete. This also eliminates logistics hassles of a scheduled relay and allows the gnome to visit remote and exotic areas, such as NJ.

4. The travels can continue indefinitely until the gnome has had enough, or we run out of participant sign-ups, whichever occurs first. I see no problem with a participant having multiple turns as long as the travel location is different.

I suggest the 2002 Traveling Gnome thread/board be located at the FAQ to increase chances for new participants, but still use Tim’s frappr map site to map it out…very cool map!

67 Caribe 1600

76 Ceylon 2002

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