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Just picked up a timing cover gasket set and was expecting to see a gasket to go between the upper half and the lower half, but it wasn't there. Came back to work and checked realoem and don't see a gasket between the two halves there either. Do you just slather the two covers with gasket sealer and pray? I've got the all gaskets for the front of the block and a new front oil seal, but not the horizontal gasket between the two covers.



Before laying down the head gasket place a very small bead of blue silcone in the joint where the lower timing chain cover meets the block. Then, just before you're ready to put the head down on the head gasket, place a small amount of the same silcone in the pencil sized hole in the head gasket where it crosses that joint between the lower cover and the block. Permatex #2 on the bottom of the top timing cover (as well as on each side of the vertical gaskets) should seal every thing fine. Careful not to try to over-torque the timing cover bolts into the alum alloy head.

Bob Napier

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