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I've looked in the FAQ, in my BMW shop manual and in the Haynes. Maybe I'm simple but I can't find a spec for the three bolts that hold the strut housing to the steering arm.

Any ideas? TIA...

Tim L.
Ex-1975, 1976, 1976 BMW 2002s


I wouldn't worry about the torque Tim....just put on some blue loctite and tighten up good and tight...not "overtighten". They aren't going to go anywhere. Of course if you are anal about such things, you can always put the stainless wire on the bolts and tighten up (per the stock setup). :-)

I did that one time, and ahve since decided the efort isn't worth it!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

John Weese

'72tii "Hugo"

'73tii "Atlantik"

'74 '02 "Inka"

'76 '02 "Malaga"

'72tii engine VIN 2760081 - waiting on a rebuild

"Keep your revs up and watch your mirrors!"

Guest Anonymous

ugh....another chance for me to sound huffy and self righteous...sorry gang, I can't help it, but this is SAFETY stuff here:

Torque on fasteners like these is C R U C I A L!!!!! Most fasteners break hours, weeks, months later - because they were overtightened upon assembly - ask me how I know! I spend hours each week now checking and torquing every accessible nut and bolt on track cars before and after each event or session. I agree with John's suggestion of the blue loctite AND wire - AND filling the one "open ended" hole in the strut with copper paste, paint, parafin - WHATEVER, to keep out water.

Recommended reading "Bosch Automotive Handbook" - as an engineer (aren't you?) John - you'll DIG it!

Most DIN standard torques for 8mm x 1.25 bolts are around 16-32 ft/lbs...with these being hardened 10.9 pieces - I'd lean on the tighter side of that range.

I'll have safety wire and pliers Monday night Tim if you still need 'em!

Guest Anonymous

Steering arm safety bolts (3) at bottom of strut use tightening torque 25 - 33 Nm (18 - 24 ft lb)

Be certain the female threads are in good shape -- use a thread chaser or bottoming tap on the blind holes. The thru hole does get rusty, check it well and wegweiser's advice about sealing out the open top end of the hole is spot on.

Just don't put anything in the threads except locktite before you tighten.

BTW, fasteners fail more from insufficient tightening than from being too tight (not counting abuse where the bolt snaps during tightening.)

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