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Car Mod List

This is a simple list of non-stock components that I have put on the 02, plus those in the future when they happen. I will add photos where/when I can. Engine: Italian Weber 45 DCOEs Vintage Cannon 2 piece intake manifold and rod-style linkage 8mm spark plug wires 123Ignition distributor Oil pan baffle and windage tray Mechanical fuel pump delete (now electric in trunk) Vintage (and kind of small) long tube header of unknown brand or origin


(Yes, I originally posted this in the Project Blogs -Archives section, not sure if it's supposed to be there so I will start a thing here as well. I've used forums for years but never actually posted or made a thread, please bear with me in figuring out the system, thanks.)   Hello all,  I've finally gotten around to making my own account on here to actually post updates and keep a thread of the build I can reference. The car in question is a 1971 model, originally Malaga and was
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